assignment help

Poly-T sequences:

Appropriate for looping and logical operators.

Count the number of occurrences of sequences of N (acquired through user input) or more consecutive 'T's in a string consisting of the characters a,c,g, and t, and report this as a whole number. For example, actttaattttactttcctta has 3 poly-t sequences of length 3 or more, and only one of length 4 or more.

Requires string length() member, subscripting on C++ string object, for-loop, and if-statement.

char x[80];
int i, n=0;
cin>>x; //read the string.
if( x[i]!='t') {
if(n) cout<<n<<endl;


closed account (3TXyhbRD)

Firstly, use code tags and don't forget to indent (if it doesn't do it automatically).

Secondly, if you're using C++ to solve your problem, use string objects (see ), char* are C specific and not C++.
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