This program..

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A friend of mine coded this 'Xbox 360 emulator' and expects everyone to believe he programmed it. It loads up the dashboard which is really cool (Many errors with the actual program too, because it can't detect the harddisk or Disk drive). He just began learning C++ so it's simply IMPOSSIBLE that he found the code himself.. So my question is where did he find the source to a semi-working emulator?

(The folder must be put inside the C: directory)

This is simply amazing. This is defiantly a 360 emulator. I am surprised at its working state being very advanced, even booting the xbox intro is impressive. For where he got the code it beyond me, I have seen some 360 emus that are "Research Projects" but this is much more advanced. I find it VERY hard to believe who ever made this is your friend due to his short time knowing programming, but miraculous things due happen in a short time in some cases. You should read up on the emulation of the console to understand what it happening, I my self only have a basic working knowledge of programing emulators and I already know that this is a decently coded emulator but I lack the knowledge of many current other 360 emus so I would be unable to tell if he stole code. I hope you get to the bottom of this, and if your friend did make this masterpiece he/she is a very talented programmer.

Alen J
Two accounts with only 1 post that have similar writing styles? Not to mention that they both want me to download a rar file and put it in the root directory of my hard drive...... Your not fooling anyone here, I don't know how you thought that would slip by a forum of programmers, try someplace with stupid people instead.
ModShop, You do not have to run things that you do not want to. I have trust in the programming community, and I personally ran the emulator I have not had a problem. I think it would behove you to reply with some intelligent thought on how this emulator was programed. Doing further research on the subject I have not fount any other 360 emu that are as functional as this one.

shawngreene1 could you please elaborate on the origins of this emulator, because in all truth it has great penitential even at its current state. If you find out who really programmed this you should encourage them to continue work. I have also determined by the nature of the dlls it is running speed hacks meaning it is running the system faster to compensate for lag. Please let me know on the current development of the emulator because in all honesty I know it may not be possible but in the upcoming years it would be great to play Alan Wake on the PC!

Alen J
Hopefully it runs fine in Sandboxie, I'll tell you how it goes

EDIT: Seems at least somewhat legitimate. The file structure is incredibly complex, traversing the ZIP file was a chore since it took at least 5 seconds of processing time just to open a folder. Seems at least somewhat accurate.

The program started up with two buttons - Start Emulation and Stop Emulation. When Start Emulation was pressed, it showed the XBox 360 boot animation and then proceeded to show me a multi-language, XBox-styled error that I couldn't quite read. I looked at the Sandbox that the app was ran in, and there were no alarming changes or creation of files. While checking, I enabled viewing of both hidden and system files.

I monitored applications running during the test, and no unrecognized applications had started or stopped for the duration of the test.

No unrecognized programs have been found in startup via msconfig.
No unrecognized programs have been found in startup via autoruns.
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NGen thanks for running the "Emulator". I am confused as to what you are trying to say in your previous statement. What do you mean by the seems legit picture? Is the emulator fake? Or are you implying that the emulator is horribly programmed?
he is implying that there is nothing malicious about the emulator.
Safe or not, there's something dodgy afoot.

In case you're worried, download my file, not-a-trojan-horse.exe. It'll make sure your environment is safe to run the emulator in.
After further examination of the emulator by my colleagues at work, we have come to the conclusion that your friend must have made this. We rummaged through its files and it screams the work of an amateur programmer. From the file structure, the need for it to be in the C: drive and the interface it is clearly the work of a person who has minimal experience. That being said this program is still a amazing accomplishment. The Xbox 360 is very well documented hence making it easy for the programmer to find the technical information and implement it in to a re-compiler. This work on the binary translation is amazing, as can be seeing in how the emulator reacts to the dashboard code. Frankly shawngreene1 you have to ask yourself if he did not make it someone else did, and where would your friend have gotten such source that has not been released previously. Are you sure he has only been programing for a short while? The emulator is basic and the work of an amateur but at this level it is the work of someone whole still has a vast knowledge of emulation programming but maybe not the knowledge of C++. If your friend did make this emulator you should encourage him to continue work on it and release the source to the public. Who ever made this definitely did a bang on job.

Alen J
I won't lie - there is no chance that he made it, for he was learning how to import buttons - that's it. I doubt that my friend has any knowledge of emulation. I asked him many basic programming questions like how to make a for() loop, and how to declare variables and he has NO CLUE.. I know for sure that he doesn't know how to make an interpreter or how to dynamically alter system speed.
shawngreene1, you are ether in denial of just jealous. It is astonishing that someone as incompetent as your self has better skills then who ever made this emulator. You made a post saying that you wanted peoples opinion on this and then you call them liars? You obviously don't know the first thing about how emulators work! Once again he HAS had to have made this because there is no other 360 emulator as advanced as this out there to date! So if he stole source he is a master hacker, incredibly rich or had someone make it for him! Please sir dont make posts then call people liars when they are trying to help you. Also he must know "for (int counter = 1; counter <= 5; counter++)" or else he can't use a computer. He sounds like a person who likes emulators and has researched how to make them and probably is smarter then you at how and emulator works. Not to be a troll but you sound like some suburban kid that just got a laptop and don't understand how the process of programming works. You should break from your nutshell and get in touch with the real world.
That is very offensive. I work with computers everyday of my life, and I love programming and creating website pages. I am not jealous, because I don't care much for emulation of systems. I know he didn't do it, but you have to understand that I know him very well, and he usually fucks around with things like this (I asked him many questions in how to display DirectX functions, he just snickered and said secrets). We are good friends, and if he actually made it, I would give my undying breath of compliments.

He doesn't know loops, and I am not kidding :P.

Please tell me who made this then, sorry for flipping dude. Please let me know if you have any idea where he got the code. I work at Adobe (Formally Macromedia) and would be happy to test any program you make shawngreene1! I am assuming you have not finished high school, so I want to let you know your buddy Alen is here to lend a hand!

Alen J
Tell me this - why is it that he won't show me the source, can't answer any basic programming questions, and somehow knows how to put together an emulator that no one has been able to do for a long time (There are some existing, just not being able to play games)? I in no way want to bring him down, I just want to know where he got it from, being a bit curious myself. <-- This is my website, and his name is Dukenukem on my forum. I have been learning C++ for about half a year, and I have no damn clue on how to emulate or even output large amounts of things.

One more clue that he took it - WHY WOULD IT NEED TO BE IN THE C:?
Because he doesn't know how to make relative paths.
Yes, I would asume it was because of his lack of relative paths that he put in the C: drive or maybe because you just can't go wrong with the C: drive for compatibility. If you want to send me some links to these existing 360 emulators' source that would be great! I could get some of my colleagues at work and they may be able to see how he constructed it from these sources, who knows maybe it is an orgy of non working emulators! But I still think even to have make the interface with direct x he would need to be moderately talented and have much more programming experience than your half-year. I don't want to sound annoying it is just this whole emulator situation is strange. Another question, is who is Bender? The top of the emulator says Bender's Xbox 360 Emulator. Anyways your website uses a lot of flash! This is good but i can tell you are using ActionScript 2.0! Please upgrade to Flash CS5.5! I am guessing your computer has at least a Core i3 (if not you are sad and poor) which would be great for ActionScript 3.0 on CS5.5! I work at Adobe and I don't work on Flash but when CS6 comes out CS5.5 users will only have to pay a small fee!

Alen J
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You work at Adobe? You must be a God or something, you seem to mention it quite often.

EDIT: Me and my other friend pitted him down, we now KNOW he didn't make it because he admitted it. He has no experience with C++, he doesn't program (He gets me to do a lot of programming for him) and he learned how to use Visual C++ for adding buttons.
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Well at least this spoon licker type thread is more interesting and entertaining to read than Anti-OOP/Programming. Though I think this is one of those IQ-- threads. Doesn't know a simple concept as loops but can do a program that requires dynamic memory allocation, classes, vectors, and who knows what else. BS alarm going off on that hard.

I work with computers everyday of my life, and I love programming and creating website pages.

Just because you work with computers and love programming and web dev doesn't mean you know anything about them. Accountants, bank tellers, etc use computers all day every day but can't program to save their lives most likely.
Last edited on by closed account z6A9GNh0
Well at least this spoon licker type thread is more interesting and entertaining to read than Anti-OOP/Programming. Though I think this is one of those IQ-- threads. Doesn't know a simple concept as loops but can do a program that requires dynamic memory allocation, classes, vectors, and who knows what else. BS alarm going off on that hard.

I work with computers everyday of my life, and I love programming and creating website pages.

Just because you work with computers and love programming and web dev doesn't mean you know anything about them. Accountants, bank tellers, etc use computers all day every day but can't program to save their lives most likely.

I do - infact, know lots about computers. I know how to program (I was implying that I know and love programming). Bank tellers, cashiers may USE PROGRAMS all day, that doesn't mean that they know how to program as you said, what makes you think that I don't program with C++ all day? :P
I do - infact, know lots about computers. I know how to program (I was implying that I know and love programming). Bank tellers, cashiers may USE PROGRAMS all day, that doesn't mean that they know how to program as you said, what makes you think that I don't program with C++ all day? :P

If that is true, then wonderful. I hope you will have more to contribute to the community then besides questioning a friends emulator based on his abilities. For all I know you could sit on you computer watching Kids Incorporated re-runs all day. :P

I work at Adobe (Formally Macromedia)

As what an accountant? You make that impossible to believe because you didn't even understand NGen's remark, which couldn't have been any clearer.


Well it is apparent that you don't know basic English and communication skills (must be spoon licker's protégé). :-/
Last edited on by closed account z6A9GNh0
This Emulator is
Hand Cranked Passion

People you have to stop
Fucking Around
and play some games on this masterpiece!
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