I am trying read a text file and get each word into a node in a binary search tree, however, it crashes halfway through the file and I can't figure out why. Is there something I'm need to add?
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while(getline(inFile,lineFile))//inFile: file //lineFile: line in file
//convert text in file to lower case
//get each word into a node in a bst
while (inFile >> word)
cout << word << endl;
int main()
binSearchTree tree;
ifstream inListFile, inFile;
string filename, lineFile;
string word;
inListFile.open("listfilename.txt"); //Open a file from your directory
if (inListFile.is_open()) //Check if the file was open correctly else 'Unable to open file'.
while (getline(inListFile, filename)) //Loop iterates through the 'listfilename.txt using getline()'
//cout << "'" << filename << "'" << endl; //Print a line from 'listfilename.txt'
if(inFile.is_open() )
//cout << "File Name: "<< filename << endl;
while(getline(inFile,lineFile))//inFile: file //lineFile: line in file
//convert text in file to lower case
//get each word into a node in a bst
while (inFile >> word)
cout << word << endl;
else cout << "Unable to open file";
else cout << "Unable to open list file\n";
return 0;
It is structured the way it is because I needed to open a bunch of files, one after another, so that I could search for a word in them, so in listfilename.txt, it lists the name of the files to iterate through. I am trying to read a file, put it's words , one per node in a binary tree so that I can search for a word and report back which file it was found in but I cant get past the crashing part.