will someone please help ,imdying here.

//im required to do as instructed here
//=========== http://comsc265.yolasite.com/lab-3.php ===========//
//==============my code which doesnt work=============//
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::cin;
//function prototype(s)
int avg(int,...);

int main()
// identifying output statements
cout << "Programmer: Naushil Mehta" << endl;
cout << "Description: This program gives you the average of floating point numbers." << endl;

cout<<"The average of 5 test scores is "<<avg(5,81,92,73,84,95)<<endl;
return 0;
//return average of a variable length list of integers
int avg(int n, ...)//"n" is the number of numbers in the list;"..."is the list
va_list list; // assign the name "list" to the variable length list of integers
va_start(list,n);//tell c++ that the list begins after the argument "n"
int num;//store the numbers from the list in "num" as they are "read"

//create the total of "n" numbers in the list
int total=0;//track the total of the numbers in the list
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
num=va_arg(list,int);//set num equal to the next number in the list,as an int
total=total+num;//increment the total
va_end(list);//close the list--REQUIRED

// compute and return the average

double davg(double m, ...);
int avgx (int,...);
return total/n;



//function prototypes

//return average of a variable length list of integers
double davg(double m, ...)//"m" is the number of numbers in the list;"..."is the list
va_list list; // assign the name "list" to the variable length list of integers
va_start(list,m);//tell c++ that the list begins after the argument "n"
double num;//store the numbers from the list in "num" as they are "read"

//create the total of "m" numbers in the list
double total=0;//track the total of the numbers in the list
for(double i=0;i<m;i++)
num=va_arg(list,double);//set num equal to the next number in the list,as a double
total=total+num;//increment the total
va_end(list);//close the list--REQUIRED

// compute and return the average
return total/m;


//function prototype(s)

int avgx (int,...)
int a, aMax, aMin;
a = avgx(aMax, aMin, 5, 23, 42, 44, 70, 98);

cout<<"The average of 5 scores is "<<avgx<<endl;
return 0;

//returns average and passes max and min back through argument list
int avgx(int& mx,int& mn,int n,...)//n is the number of numbers in the list
va_list list;//assign the name "list" to the variable length list of integers
va_start(list,n);//tell c++ that the list begins after the argument "n"
int num;//store the numbers from the list in "num" as they are "read"

//create the total of "n" numbers in the list
int total=0;//track the total of the numbers in the list
for (int i=0;i<n; i++)
num=va_arg(list,int);//set num equal to the next number in the list,as an int
if((i==0) ||(mn>num))//update min value
if((i=0)||(mx<num))//update max value
mx= num;
total=total+num;//increment the toal
va_end(list);//close the list--required

//compute and return the average
return total/n;

It's all working! The only problem might be that you don't input anything and you use only predefinded constants. Also, you might wanna use doubles instead of ints, becoude not every time the result will be an interger!
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I think you do not require this for double

double davg(double m, ...);

you can do this as
double davg( int m , ... )

inputting the double argument list
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