Struct or database

closed account (yh54izwU)
I'm considering making a list of around 30 - 40 people with around 7 certain attributes and was wondering if I should make a struct or a sql table. Also, once I create them I am going to use them for functions. If a database works out better how would I use the attributes from access to c++
You would only choose the complexity of a database if you require the ability to add many hundreds of records in future. If the list is fixed or very limited stick to a simple text file (if it may grow or change a little) or hard code it into the program if the list is truly static.

If you do intend to use a SQL database you will most likely need to use a library that implements all the access functions (i.e. logon, create table, open table etc.), there are many choices for this, both free and licensed.
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