How can I bring the output that is required for this for loop assignment

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You're confusing me. Are you trying to get a fibonacci sequence, or are you trying to sum the total of iterative quantities?
the output is suppose to be

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Well, I can see you having a need for three ints, say i (iteration), sum and count. You would want to initialize sum at 0.
Read in an int from the user to count.
Make a for loop that starts i at 1, continue until i = count, and increment i.
Inside the loop, you want to display i, then add i to sum.
After the loop terminates, display sum.
closed account (3wqkoG1T)
Try this code:
(I have made some changes to your code.I've used an array to save the loop iteration values.

#include <conio.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
long int num;

cout << "Give a positive number: ";
cin >> num;
const int size=num;
int array[size];
while (num<0)
cout << "Invalid NUM Please give a positive num: ";
cin >> num;

int n, sum=0;

cout << "You have ran the loop " << num << " times"<< "\n";
for(int i=1;i<size;i++)
cout<<" = "<<sum+size<<endl;

Why are you giving away answers to homework problems instead of encouraging them to learn on their own?
the answer is false anyways.. it is overcomplicated for no reason (I am quite sure he didn't yet learn of arrays so he can't put that in the assignment); you don't need arrays anyways to output (1+2+3+4+5=15) and your last 'for' loop would only output (1+6=7; 2+6 = 8; 3+6 =9) which isn't what he asked for.
That's cruel. I approve.
don't take it wrong Isena, i wasn't trying to be cruel..
on the other hand good job for johhny for creating 2 identical threads ;)
Oh, I didn't think that you were meaning to be cruel, timmyyyyy, I'm just saying that I sincerely doubt that the OP will be back to look at this forum again until potentially after he gets a low 'C' on his grade for trying a copy/paste from someone else's code without really verifying it.
closed account (3wqkoG1T)
I agree with you as far as far as giving away answers(my mistake.I'll be more careful in giving help the next time).
But, please , check again the code... The last loop does not output (1+6=7; 2+6 = 8; 3+6 =9),but what he asked for...
oh i see what you did there..
yeah that would be quite evil but who in the world wouldn't even run his program before sending it in ;)
edit : ah yes Isena my mistake, i thought you had a { before the 'for'
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Trust me. I've seen the way some people operate...
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