QA76.1 Mindstorms Seymour_Pappert 1980 Q76.2 Karel_the_Robot Rich_Pattis 1992 //error QA76.3 Programming Byarne_Stroustrup 2011 72QA.4 Error_Book No_Name 2012 //error QA76.5 A_C.S._Tapestry Owen_Astrachan 1990 QA76.7 I_Was_Right_On_Time Buck_O'Neill 1955 QA768 Principles_of_Parallel_Programming Calvin_Lin 2009 //error QAo55.6 Embedded_Software Daniel_Lewis 2011 //error QA76.7.1 Core_Java_I Cay_Horstman 2005 QA76.7.2 Core_Java_II Cay_Horstman 2006 |
to print out Books
? Or whatever you wanted to print out. Or am I just stupid?
is expected to print out the books using the reference, first the param which the function takes should be a kind of const
, and why should setValid
return a boolean
? and what is the value of cNum
which you are provding the setValid
function ? getValid
, and not setValid
( setValid is to set whether a Book is valid or not )
or your overloaded operator<<
in a way that just call isValid
for each Books to be printed or edited.and one more question how do I use overloaded operator? do I use it inside main.cpp? or in the book.cpp sorry i have trouble understanding these |
operator( <<, == , != )
some where in a source file, than you can use them everywhere with object of your class , for example