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#ifndef VECTOR_H
#define VECTOR_H
#include <cstdlib>
template <class T>
class Vector
unsigned int m_size; // current # of elements (i.e., data items)
unsigned int m_max_size; // current maximum size of vector
T* m_data; // data
// Purpose: default constructor
// Postconditions: current size and maximum size set to 0,
// and data set to NULL
Vector(): m_size(0), m_max_size(0), m_data(NULL) {}
// Purpose: copy constructor
// Parameters: cpy is Vector that is to be copied
// Postconditions: current size, maximum size, and data set to those of cpy
Vector(const Vector<T>& cpy) { *this = cpy; }
// Purpose: destructor
// Postconditions: current size and maximum size set to 0,
// and data set to NULL (via clear())
~Vector() { clear(); }
// Purpose: effectively "empties" the vector
// Postconditions: current size and maximum size set to 0,
// data set to NULL, and all dynamically allocated memory for data is
// deallocated
void clear();
// Purpose: puts the value x at the "leftmost available" index in vector
// Parameters: x is value to be added to vector
// Postconditions: if current size + 1 == maximum size BEFORE the insertion
// of x, memory for data is doubled; x now at the formerly "leftmost
// available" position in the vector, and current size incremented by 1
void push_back(const T& x);
// Purpose: Removes one instance of the value x from the vector if it exists
// Parameters: x is the value to be removed from the vector
// Postconditions: if x is in the vector, m_size is decremented and the
// first instance of x is removed from the vector. If x is not in the
// vector, do nothing.
// If m_size <= m_max_size/4, halve the amount of memory available
void remove(const T& x);
// Purpose: removes the "last" element in the vector
// Postconditions: current size decremented by 1, and memory for data is
// halved if current size / maximum size <= 0.25 AFTER the removal of x
// Exceptions: if the vector is empty, then throw std::length_error
void pop_back();
// Purpose: accessor function for the current # data values in the vector
// Returns: current size of the vector
unsigned int size() const {return m_size;}
// Purpose: accessor function for the maximum size of the vector
// Returns: current maximum size of the vector
unsigned int max_size() const { return m_max_size; }
// Purpose: return a read-and-write reference to the element at
// the specified position
// Parameters: i is 0-based index into the vector
// Returns: the element at position i in the vector
// Exceptions: if i < 0 or i >= current size, throw
// std::out_of_range("i<0 or i>=m_size")
T& operator[](unsigned int i);
// Purpose: return a read-only reference to the element at
// the specified position
// Parameters: i is 0-based index into the vector
// Returns: the element at position i in the vector
// Exceptions: if i < 0 or i >= current size, throw
// std::out_of_range("i<0 or i>=m_size")
const T& operator[](unsigned int i) const;
// Purpose: performs a deep copy of the data from rhs into this vector
// Parameters: rhs is vector to be copied
// Returns: *this
// Postconditions: current size, maximum size, and data set to those of
// rhs
Vector<T>& operator=(const Vector<T>& rhs);
#include "Vector.hpp"