calculating employees salary

Guys here is question.
write a program that will calculate salary for empleyes. use two overloaded functions named calcSalary.

first function calculate salary for parmennet emplyee, must have one parameter of type char representing the type of duties the employee do.

second function calculate salary for temp emplyee, must have parameter of type char representing type of duties performed, secind parameter of type int representing number of hours worked per month.

Mani function should request the type of employee 'P' or 'T'
user must be asked type of duties performed and hours worked and then the main function should call the overloaded functions to calculate Salary.

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Step 1: Create project...
Step 2: Create a function named calcSalary that returns nothing and takes in nothing.
Step 3: Call that function from main.
Step 4: Begin figuring out step by step what you need to do next.
more elaboration will be much better to understand ur ponts.
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