Help for a Beginner!

I use Code::Blocks to code my apps. Every program is in that little black screen thing. How do I make it in a screen like professional programs? Nothing crazy but at least so I can make it look a little nicer.
Uh... I guess you're talking about GUI applications? (not to be mean, but quite a large number of professional applications don't actually have a GUI though)

Well, it depends. Code::Blocks has a built-in WYSIWYG editor for wxWidgets (though it doesn't actually ship with the wxWidgets headers), then you could also use Qt, GTK+, and I guess when you're ok with restricting yourself to windows WinForms or WinAPI.
uhhhh wut????? i dont get it...
To put pretty pictures on the screen, you have to ask the operating system to draw pretty pictures. This is usually quite intricate. There exist libraries you can use that help; you ask the library to draw the pretty pictures, the library asks the operating system.

We call these libraries "widget toolkits". Here is a list:
What are you looking for?

A different editor with a better presentation? Most editors will give you output in a little black console screen, so you probably won't get much different even if you use something aside of codeblocks.

If however, you are looking to make your own "little black screen thing" but prettier, then as hanst99 said, you want to look at developing GUI applications.
Wait, what do i do when i go to:
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Pick one suitable for your operating system and needs. Ideally one with a good set of instructions for beginners.
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