Help with a program I have for class. Im stuck!

Okay so here's the question:

Write a program that will calculate both roots of a quadratic equation. The program should ask the user to input a, b, and c and then write both roots to standard output (the screen) and a file named "program.txt".
Your program should print the roots ordered from least to greatest.

If the quadratic equation has a negative discriminant your program should output "NO REAL ROOTS".

If the two roots are the same only report one root.

This is my first ever class in computer science and I am so lost so if someone could maybe start me off with the basic code then I can figure it out from there. Anything helps. Thanks guys!
Here's the "basic code" to "start you off":
Thanks! I got all that stuff down. The problem Im facing is with defining my variables and outputting information into files. So basically everything! ugh
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