Barcode reading from TIFF file (Optical Barcode Recognition)

I am trying to start in the right place and I've done a lot of searching and reading on this forum. I have searched for the topic a lot over the last couple weeks and I have not been able to come up with a solution.

I would like to create a program that automatically names an image by the barcode that is on this specific image. Each barcode references an "Invoice number" which is 8 digits long. I'm certain I can write this program but I have no idea how to tap into optical barcode recognition.

When I scan this barcode with an every day barcode/UPC scanner it comes up with the invoice number in the format of 8 digits... I don't actually have a barcode/upc scanner, but I borrowed one from a friend to make sure the barcode was legible.

IE:"00000001" if the invoice # is 1. Another example is if the invoice # is 210999, it comes up "000210999". (This specific barcode is 64 lines that break down into 8 binairy digits per digit, with 8 digits)

Can anyone help please? I don't need help writing the program other than incorporating the barcode into the puzzle. I do appreciate the help very much! I hope to start returning the favor!
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