How long till I can create my own game

Ive been learning c++ for around 2 months now and how long will it take me to learn it enough so i can learn direct x also how long will it take to learn that enough until I can make:

1 Simple 2d game
2 side scroller 2d game
3 simple 3d game
4 small 3d rpg type game kind of like the upcoming game cube world.
closed account (o1vk4iN6)
Never, sorry for your loss. ):
No need to be a creep. All the people who do those things had to learn; the OP can also. It does take a lot of time and effort to be very professional, but the time to start is now.
start with console based stuff first. also time doesn't help. You could learn for 2 months and still be on if statements or you could be making your own classes. can i suggest these before you start out?

an interactive room thats a function

a fight algorhtym where monsters are made by a class or struct

a game where the user randomly picks a number guessed by the computer

a game where the user picks a number that is guessed by the computer


I actually suggest you go over to the website and get PyGame, and start playing around with SDL using Python. Once you get comfortable with that, you can easily branch out to using SDL or SFML with C++.

Once you are comfortable with that, you can also easily pick up some OpenGL or DirectX programming. See for more on that.

Good luck!
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