How much more time until I can make my own game?

Ive been learning c++ for around 2 months now and how long will it take me to learn it enough so i can learn direct x also how long will it take to learn that enough until I can make:

1 Simple 2d game
2 side scroller 2d game
3 simple 3d game
4 small 3d rpg type game kind of like the upcoming game cube world.
Instead of worrying how long it will take, just do it.
For 1+2, get familiar with SFML:
closed account (o1vk4iN6)
Seen a guy post 5 threads about the same thing in a day, haven't seen any mods or anything so no point really caring about it.

If you want to make a game, you should first plan some things out. Firstly what language do you want to use? I know Java is popular these days, even though I wouldn't recommend it or use it personally, it's still an option. C/C++ is generally used for more demanding games because it is generally more efficient, but requires a better understanding of programming, such as memory management. With Java you don't necessarily need to worry as much about memory other than how much you are using.

You can go buy a book, start reading it and it'll teach you step by step how to make a game using directx or opengl, whatever you want to use. There's no time limit til you can make a game. A lot of time and effort is needed to make a game, if it's just you making the game I can tell you right now you probably aren't going to finish a 3D game. There are a lot of different aspects you need to consider and not just C++. You can always use some like Xna so you don't need to code things yourself but I find that the fun stuff, some linear algebra is involved.
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