Help on choosing GUI toolkit

Okay,, now here is the thing. I have done C++ console programming for a long time and now want to move on to GUI programming. So I'm confused over which toolkit to choose. I use CodeBlocks (and perhaps will keep on using it for a long time). The choices are FLTK, wxWidget, Qt, GTK+ and etc. Now I know that this is a very argued matter and do not want to wage a war over here. Just state your personal choice and describe why you prefer it. I want my toolkit to be cross platform, light and easy to use, the most important of all being drag and drop facility. Thanks in advanced
By drag and drop, you mean support for dragging files onto the application and dragging things back out?
I think he meant something like Visual Basic, Borland Delphi etc provided back in the old days. You drag a control from the Control toolbox and drop them onto a "form".

The closest I know for C++ are the outdated Borland C++ and Visual C++.
from my knowledge, Visual C++ is one possibility.
Well yeah, by drag and drop, I mean just the same thing (like Visual Basic). So any suggestions guys!?
@lipatrick. I want the toolkit to be cross platform.
If the toolkit is good you should not have any problem making your own drag and drop interface to generate the code for you. ;)
Well Qt does not support drag and drop (I think not at least) but as for what I like about it is it's thorough documentation, it uses c++ (that I personally prefer over c for many reasons) and it's surely cross-platform.
@L.B. and you want me to develop a complete drag and drop interface?? And I thought only my teacher was harsh.. ;)
Does Qt Creator count as a drag & drop interface? Well, its UI designer element? (It would mean switching IDEs, at least part of the time)

And FLTK's got Fluid, which is basic but does do drag & drop.

And wxWidgets has something called wxGlade, but all I know about that is thanks to Google.

But I have no idea about GTK+ or etc.


PS I use FLTK for small cross-platform apps, as it's pretty easy use (if a little basic) and nice and light. See "Erco's FLTK Cheat Page" for assorted code snippets...
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If you want to still use codeblocks, then wxwidgets is your best choice, codeblocks it has built-in support through its wxsmith plugin, which is enabled by default. There also is wxformbuilder.
@modoran, yeah, well I too think that wxWidgets will be comfortable for me. Thanks all for their answers.
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