Goto Command is bad?

Pages: 123
closed account (1vRz3TCk)
webJose wrote:
Instead of a reasonable debate on the topic at hand (goto), my partner-in-debate decided it was best to insult me and leave as opposed to enlight me why my alternative was no good.

[devils advocate]
It could be argued that by saying 'Wow. Too bad there's no documentation on the fact, because it is way too hard to digest like that! I mean, I feel like I've just been told that 1 + 1 is not always 2! Really, like that.', you are implying that Moschops was not being truthful.

Moschops could well have seen that as an insult prior to the post the you perceived as an insult.
[/devils advocate]

webJose wrote:
Do you call that trolling? Or am I missing something here that you seem to so clearly see?
Personally, I find the style of your writing to be more antagonistic (meant or not) than most people's.

I see. Could it be because English is not my mother tongue and I could be misusing phrases or applying incorrect tones? Because I did not mean to imply anything about Moschops. I was trying to say: Gee, this is such a big chunk to swallow! If you had documentation I could use it to swallow this more easily. Is this a bit more clear?
closed account (1vRz3TCk)
Could it be because English is not my mother tongue and I could be misusing phrases or applying incorrect tones?

It could be. I know that I misread things (I'm dyslexic) or read more into what is written depending on what sort of mood I'm in, so it is not always clear where the misunderstanding come from.


As a general observation, people on this forum do seem to be getting a bit touchy about trolling. Seeing it where it isn't and generally causing more noise than any troll even does.
Well, I'll try to use a more neutral English. However, I am 100% aware that I DON'T sugar up my posts. I say "this is right, this is wrong" without adorning the darn thing. I have been told myself exactly that in this forum and I never took it as a personal attack. This happened a lot, say 2 or 3 years ago when I started the true path of C++ (I learned C thinking it was C++!!). To me, being called an ignorant is not an insult. It just means I don't know something, but it doesn't mean that I can't learn it. Documentation help curing ignorance. That's all I'm saying!
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Pages: 123