quick question

Are programs compiled on a linux os executable on windows os?
closed account (10oTURfi)
The much longer answer is that it's not impossible to "cross-compile", and build on a Linux machine an executable that will run under Win; such a cross-compiled executable will not, of course, run under Linux.

The short answer is exactly as Krofna says; "no".
even if i use eclipse a croos platform compiler?
Long answer: The basic architecture of the different operating systems have enough differences in their kernels that, by default, a program that is capable of running under Windoze will not be capable of running under Linux. The only way to bypass this is to actually run an emulator on one system or the other that simulates the architecture of the other system.

Short answer: No.
even if i use eclipse a croos platform compiler?

Eclipse is not a cross-platform compiler. It is an IDE. When used to build C or C++, the compiler is a separate program completely that eclipse makes use of, that only runs on that system.
Thanks for clearing that up for me
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