Easy C++ Contest!

Pages: 12
Nov 22, 2008 at 5:53pm
Hey, everyone! For those those who don't know me(which is most of you), I am Matt White from the machinima production group, Nightmare Productions. I am also an avid programmer with decent knowledge in C++. After seeing how few people know about C++, I figure it's about time to change that. I am hosting a contest where entrants must type a program(following the guidelines in the rules) and are able to win $200 in prizes. The program will be moderately easy for someone who is still learning C++ and very easy for all of your grizzled C++ veterans out there. If you are interested, head on over to http://www.officialnightmareproductions.com/ccontest.htm and read the official rules and guidelines for the contest. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me via the contacts page on my website! Good luck everyone!
Nov 22, 2008 at 6:31pm
Did you set up a website just to have someone do your homework :P
Nov 22, 2008 at 10:06pm

Please note that there is a small error in the code. If you can't figure out how to fix it, feel free to send in the code with errors (I will only accept a small amount of errors).

That sounds professional?
Nov 22, 2008 at 10:48pm
The errors are just there as another challenge in the contest. If you don't believe me, then fine. You obviously don't pay any attention to machinima. If you need further proof, go to: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=0EA8CDFE15A58199

I was hired by the head of Machinima.com to be one of their directors. I get a paycheck from them as well as a few donations from fans. I'm also have a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science. I figured I'd help promote the knowledge of C++ by creating a contest that any programmer should be able to do.

BTW, my website has been up since I started directing machinima.
Nov 23, 2008 at 10:09pm
Interesting. It says nothing about required licensing for code etc. So I'm free to put extreme copyrights on my code, then under the Official Information Request, ensure you haven't used my submission for personal gain (e.g. Homework). Otherwise your infringing on my personal IP and copyright.
Nov 27, 2008 at 1:30am
If that was the case then I wouldn't display your finished code. I've done contests like this before (with considerably smaller prizes) so I know what I'm doing. If you're trying to be threatening, you can stop now because I don't care. Submit whatever code you want, but it's my judgement as well as one of the Machinima.com staff's judgement that it will have to pass.
Nov 27, 2008 at 6:34pm
As a professional developer. This contest seems very amateurish. You need to have more clarity on the legality of things like code ownership, code licensing etc. Americans like to sue each other for many reasons, no point making it easier for them to do it to you.
Nov 27, 2008 at 6:57pm
No kidding...someone could probably give you code with a copyright saying "You can't have it unless you get my express permission signed notarized blah blah blah..." then sue you after "giving" it to you.
Nov 28, 2008 at 6:21am
Meh, I'm not to worried. The contest is DESIGNED to be amateurish. It's so that even newbie programmers should have an easy time completing it, not to mention the fact that the contest period doesn't last very long. Also, I'd like to see an American sue me when I'm currently living in an undisclosed location in Ireland. They would probably give up their attempt before they even made it over here. As a producer, I try to maintain a level of secrecy. That way, I can prevent as much problems as possible.
Nov 28, 2008 at 12:19pm
The time i spent actually doing this to "try" to win $200 - I would of been able to make the money else where a lot quicker. I'm sure if the prizes were a bit better people may look into it 'maybe' just maybe a little bit more.

I watched a small part of a couple of the youtube videos and straight away thought - "It looks like a few kids who just started out learning video editing created those". Even small places like "http://www.anythinginteractive.com/" make better videos..
Last edited on Nov 28, 2008 at 12:27pm
Nov 30, 2008 at 6:53pm
@drkessence: Ireland?

Also, I'd like to see an American sue me when I'm currently living in an undisclosed location in Ireland. They would probably give up their attempt before they even made it over here. As a producer, I try to maintain a level of secrecy.

White, Matthew - drkessence@sbcblobal_addedbyZforspamprevention.net
1XXXX Xxxxxxxx Xxxx
St. Louis, Missouri 63123
United States

X's by me to hide information of course. But you'd be surprised what information is freely available about you online. Now, if the information I have provided is infact fake. I can have you domain pulled for fraud :P

I'll add. I think the idea of hosting C++ programming contests is a good idea. But your method contradicts itself.

After seeing how few people know about C++, I figure it's about time to change that. I am hosting a contest where entrants must type a program(following the guidelines in the rules) and are able to win $200 in prizes

It's so that even newbie programmers should have an easy time completing it, not to mention the fact that the contest period doesn't last very long.

After reading any small number of posts from newbie developers it should be fairly clear that they're going to take a significant amount of time to complete any non-trivial programming task.

If you get an entries, it's likely from a prof developer who spends <1hr writing a solution and is trying to pocket an easy $200. But even for a prof, spending anymore than a couple of hours is going to be a negative gain for us financially even if we win.

I am all for C++ contests, but I think there is a much better way to do it. Something like incremental levels of difficulty from 1-10, having to work your way through. Not for money, but for fun. In much the same way companies like NGSec host security coding challenges.
Last edited on Nov 30, 2008 at 6:58pm
Nov 30, 2008 at 8:03pm
Zaita, I would like to award you with the "Post of the Month" trophy. Just come to Buenos Aires and it's yours.
Nov 30, 2008 at 8:33pm
I don't see the point of treathing the OP as some sort of criminal. The far as I can see, it's just a nice guy who came with the nice idea for a contest. Maybe the set-up of the contest is not really clever, I agree with that. He will probably recieve some beautifull pieces of code from some expierenced programmers who didnt have worked on it any longer then an hour. The people for who the contest is ment, people who dont know programming (the purpose is to get more people into c++), will never know or read about the whole thing.
However, this doesnt mean you should just offense the guy. (Of course, its good to let him know what you think, with good arguments and advices, like Zaita does in his last post)

Ps. No, i'm not in the contest and trying to get some points here ;)
Dec 1, 2008 at 1:30am
What you could call my "home" is in the US. However, I spend much of my life in Ireland as much of my family lives here as well as several of my staff members. Also, I guess I should clarify newbie. When I said that, I meant that they have some BASIC knowledge of C++ programming. As long as they know C++ up to about the point of learning things like templates, arrays, fstreams and the like, they should be fine in completing the contest in the given time. Also, that's a little creepy that you looked me up O.o lol. Also, thanks, Scipio.
Dec 1, 2008 at 2:16am
Must... resist... urge...

I have a Pascal knowledge of C++. Do I qualify?
Dec 1, 2008 at 7:16pm
Also, that's a little creepy that you looked me up O.o lol.

1 simple query in Google was enough to give me that information.

I spend much of my life in Ireland as much of my family lives here as well as several of my staff members.

Ok. Now, I actually took the time to have a good read through your site. And I did notice one thing that was of interest. On the FaQ Page.

Q: Who are the members of the NP crew.
A: The only member is Matt White. The one man crew.

Several of your staff? Perhaps your FaQ needs updating.

Dec 2, 2008 at 10:45am
Ahaha yeah, when i looked over that he is the only staff member that got me really confused.
Dec 5, 2008 at 6:11pm
lol, yeah the FAQ page definitely needs updating. Thanks for reminding me. I'll take care of that right now. Actually, I think I'll just re-do it as much of the info is out of date or needs large additions.
Dec 6, 2008 at 2:06am
Q: Who are the members of the NP crew.

A: After a long period of working by himself, Matt has since been able to bring more of his friends back into the crew.

Lucky after a update to the web page - we found out it has new unknown members...
Dec 6, 2008 at 2:25am
Pages: 12