C++ application


How can I make my C++ applications look more professional.

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first, text in terminal or compiler is called console. second, can you please rephrase that? because you aren't being clear
You should learn some C++ first.
You maening GUI ( GraphicalUserInterface ) ? then QT helps you :)
well if its graphics then you are way out of ur league if you don't know any languages for it
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Windwhistles, C++ provides the Input/Output Stream library, better known as iostream. Here's a basic example:

#include <iostream>

int main()
    std::cout << "My name is Bob. Bob says, \"Hello world!\"" << std::endl;

    return 0;

This syntax may be a bit confusing. If you have questions, just ask around. You'll find yourself both ashamed and shunned if you ask obvious questions though (as this is reality). I'd suggest both reading a Beginner's Book (although be warned that you'll need some dedication) and looking at a good STL and STD reference:

I did not get what exactly you meant by
more control of my program's format
but if you plan on putting color, fonts or doing some fancy things in your console I would advise you not to. It would be quite complicated platform dependent (all this movetoXY and system() are platform specific commands).

Choose to program using a library which provides GUI like Qt mentioned before.

If on the other hand you meant something else just say what it is.
thank you for rephrasing
depends is it console or graphics
If you wish to line things up, then setw is your friend.

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