the user inputs 3 different values into 3 text fileds and then hits a button that adds them all to a text file then loads what is in that text file into a listwidget.
that works fine no problems however i want to do the same using .dat file insteadof .txt here is my code
web = ui->txt_web->text();
username = ui->txt_username->text();
password = ui->txt_password->text();
QFile file("file.dat"); | QIODevice::Append);
QDataStream out(&file); // we will serialize the data into the file
out << "Website: " +web+ " " + "Username: " +username+ " " + "Password: " +password;
above shows the save function pretty sure thats all working fine however i have no idea how to load this data back into the list widget
this works from a different button click (just as a test and prints to console just t check valeus are loading) this works fine too but i dont know how to get this code to make it go into a list widget as separate items
Assuming you're using Qt4, have a look at the QListWidget addItem(const QString& label) documentation - there's also the additems( const QStringList& labels ), if you have already built the list of strings from the lines in the file.