A problem about function definition

please solve it for me ,expert:

class CSourceLine {
CSourceLine( unsigned int lineNr ) : m_lineNr( lineNr )
........ ;
unsigned int m_lineNr;

refer to the code above, what is the meaning of the statement "m_lineNr( lineNr ) "??
thanks in adv
This is a constructor inicialization list.

This means:

CSourceLine( unsigned int lineNr ) 
        m_lineNr = lineNr;

The most important using of it is initialization const vars.
The preferred way to initialize all class members in a constructor is via initializer list. There is never a case where explicit assignment in the body is better. The latter should be used only when it isn't feasible/practical to initialize in the initializer list.
The reason for the initialization list being preferred over assignment is because the members can be initialized or constructed with their value once. Using assignment in a constructor means that the members are initialized or constructed with default values and then reassigned new values, so it's almost like doing it twice.
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