Help with array

I need help adding a value returning function that uses a do loop so it can determine the number of elements in the array that are between 110 and 155. how can I add that to this program! Help!

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;

//function prototypes
void displayArray(int numbers[], int numElements);
int getRandom(int numbers[], int numElements);

int main()
//declare array
int randNums[100] = {0};

//initialize random number generator
//assign random integers from 100
//through 200 to the array
for (int sub = 0; sub < 100; sub += 1)
randNums[sub] = 100 + rand() % (200 - 1 + 1);
//end for

//display array
displayArray(randNums, 100);

return 0;
} //end of main function

//*****funtion prototype*****
void displayArray(int numbers[], int numElements)
for (int sub = 0; sub < numElements; sub +=1)
cout << numbers[sub] << endl;
//end for
} //end of displayArray function

int getRandom(int numbers[], int numElements)
//assign first element's value
//to the high variable
int random = numbers[0];

//begin the search with the second element
int x = 1;
//search for random number
while (x < numElements)
if (numbers[x] > random)
random = numbers[x];
//end if
x +=1;
} //end while

return random;
} //end of getRandom function
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sorry just trying to get some help as fast as I can
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