explaining the getline function

When using the getline function I understand that it is supposed to stop when it see the first space.

But when you use the following code
getline(myfile,tempName, '#');

Isn't it supposed to stop when it sees the first #

The problem that I see arising is it still stops when it sees the first space again, when you have the pound sign delimiter.

So the following code
getline(myfile,tempName, '#');
      myfile >> tempName;

where tempName is a string it just displays a first name and does not display a first and second name

What if there is never a pound sign then does it go into an infinite loop?
Delete line 2, that's undoing whatever getline did.
Also, getline() stops at and discards the first newline, if not given some other explicit delimiter instead.
Right and the delmiter in this instance is the # sound. Also the myfile >> tempName writes the name to the file.

The question I got now is I thought the getline(myfile.tempName, '#') would read everything until the # is found. Then myfile >> tempName would then write the information to the file.

What happens if inside myFile...there is a name of John Jacob Smith # or John Jacob # or just John #. Right now it is just reading John in all 3 instances.
myfile >> tempName reads from the file and puts it into tempName,
myfile << tempName writes tempName to the file.

The way you can tell is that the >> and << point towards where the data is going.
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Okay I have figured it out. I think another issue I was having was that I wasn't calling temp name at the beginning. When I changed it up to where it was calling it first...all displayed correctly.

Thanks for all of the help.
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