Is this software possible?

Hey, just wondering if it's possible to make a software that would put a password prompt on a file, and a user would have to enter a password before allowing access to that file. And if I were to send that file to a user. Is it possible to make the software unneeded on the user who is receiving the file's PC? Or would the user sending, and the user receiving need the software on their PC?

Just to clarify, my question is : Is it possible to make a software in which the software should only be needed on the user who is placing the password on the file's pc?

Thank you.
You want to make a software that encrypts a file but not use the said software anywhere else. Not possible I'm afraid.

But the good news is that you can in fact create software that encrypts and decrypts a file.
you should just use winrar or 7zip to zip up whatever file you want and put a password on the zip file...
e in handy.
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Errrr... WinRAR, WinZip or 7Zip already fulfill that requirement. Don't want anybody to see the file? Don't give up the password to anyone, just the interested party.
I agree with both of us, webJose
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