Ok so i'm trying to write a function that will delete the first node in the linked list and headptr will point at the new first node, but i keep hitting segfaults. here is my most recent attempt at it. the list is already defined too in main.
void DeleteFirst(Node*& headptr)
// save pointer to first node for deletion.
Node* prevptr = headptr;
// advance the headptr
headptr = prevptr -> next;
// now delete the prevptr
delete prevptr;
@ helios
thanks for the help! sorry to get back late but it did work once i flipped around line 4 and tweaked 5 and 7.
it was part of a programming assignment using the professor's own setup for it, otherwise i would have in a heartbeat if i could have. and I appreciate the code but packetpirate is right, I would much rather understand the code than just copy it, but seeing how it works helps it sink in also!