How can i write this formula in c++?

i am beginner in c++ and i am solving problems.
i don't know how to write these formulas in c++ code.

i can write quadratic but i don't know how to write this formula expressions.

Please tell me how to write any one of them.

here is the link of image:

Tell me how to write first one formula
Last edited on
closed account (D80DSL3A)
First one is:
s = s0 + v0*t + g*t*t/2;
What school are you going to?
Tell me how to write first one formula

Haha, I know you said please once, but geez man- why ask us to do it? Instead just get to work either learning what you need to from your book or collaborating with other students, we won't do your work for you. We'll certainly help if you have any specific questions in regards to c++ though!
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