I'm using this code to change the size of both the programs console window and internal buffer size.
// Set up the required window size:
SMALL_RECT windowsize = {0, 0, 79, 49};
// Change the console window size:
SetConsoleWindowInfo(whnd, TRUE, &windowsize);
// Create a COORD to hold the buffer size:
COORD buffersize = {80, 50};
// Change the internal buffer size:
SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(whnd, buffersize);
But for some reason, the window height won't become larger than 25, I've checked, if it's less than 25 it resizes correctly. Any idea why this wont work?
Sorry I've been gone for a few days, been busy doing schoolwork, but thank you, I figured out the maximum size of the console window on my netbook is 80 x 46, so I reduced it from 50 to 40.