int main()
int get_no_eqn, get_no_var;
//get the values for above variables by user
float **matrix = newfloat* [get_no_eqn]; //creating a multi-dimensional array
for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < get_no_eqn; i++)matrix[i] = newfloat[get_no_var];
interchange(matrix[][], 5) //i think it shouldn't be matrix[][]
return 0;
void interchange(float &matrix[][], int final) //probably the wrong step
//Get matrix by reference and not by value
It's not possible to pass a multidimensional array without specifying all but the last dimension.
Also you probably don't need to pass by reference since matrix is already a pointer to a multidimensional array.
When you pass matrix what you essentially pass is a float** pointer.
You can pass the dimensions as extra arguments though.
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int main()
int get_no_eqn, get_no_var;
//get the values for above variables by user
float **matrix = newfloat* [get_no_eqn]; //creating a multi-dimensional array
for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < get_no_eqn; i++)matrix[i] = newfloat[get_no_var];
interchange(matrix, get_no_var, get_no_eqn, 5)
return 0;
void interchange(float **matrix, int dim1, int dim2, int final)
//matrix is not copied but passed directly (can also be modified)