Although I have included header file multiple times without using include guards, the code compiles without no error

I have a question about include guards. I assume that if you include your header file in multiple source files you should get compilation error, so to prevent the error you need to use
#define SOME_THING_H
I have wrote this code and I included header file in application file and implementation file without using include guards, but it compiles perfectly without any error. I am using Dev C++ Does anybody know if it is always necessary to use include guards? and if not way this code compiles?

// application file
#include <iostream>
#include "DayOfYear.h"
using namespace std;

int main() {
DayOfYear today, birthday;

cout << "Enter today's date \n";
cout << "Enter your birthday \n";
cout << "Today is :";
cout << "Your Birthday is :";
if (today.month == birthday.month && ==
cout << "Happy Birthday" << endl;
cout << "Happy unbirthday" << endl;

return 0;



//header file
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
class DayOfYear {
void output();
int getMonth();
int getDay();
int month;
int day;


//implementation file
#include <iostream>
#include "DayOfYear.h"
using namespace std;

void DayOfYear::output(){
cout << "month = " << month
<< ", day = " << day << endl;
int DayOfYear::getMonth(){
cout << "Enter month as a number : ";
cin >> month;
return month;

int DayOfYear::getDay(){
cout << "Enter day of the month : ";
cin >> day;
return day;


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Include guards protect against the same header being included multiple times in the same source file.

See this article for details, explanations, and guidelines:
Thank you very much I got it.
One more question
If I keep all the member functions like DayOfYear::output() in the header file(DayOfYear.h), do I get linker error if I try to include that file in multiple source files?
If it's in the class body: no (implicit inline)
If it's marked with the inline keword: no (explicit inline)
If it's a template class or a template function: no

otherwise: yes
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Problem solved. Thanks a lot
No problem! :P
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