Scrolling Rows in Database(forms)

Hello C++ X perts!

im working on project where i want to write my own code to scroll a database.
so im followed a tutorial.

so the tutorial says to create and int named Maxrows =0;

and assign the amount of rows in table to that interger like this
MaxRows = this.lsappDataSet11.Tables["Clients"].Rows.Count;

so i did that but when i usw this message box
the results is still 0 since it doesnt count the rows as it should since i have 3 records in the Table and im pretty sure my table name is correct.

Also i was hoping if someone could point me to a better way of doing what i am trying to accomplish that would allow this to better work in a class.

thank you
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This is a C++ forum, you're working on C#.
nouuu im working in C++ but i got that syntax from a Csharp site. but my C++ code has been known to work in C# no?

how would i accomplish the task in C++ then ignoring the C# link
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