creating n number of objects using for loop

i'm trying to design a program for book inventory. i've defined funtions such as getdata(), search() and display() in a class. now i have to create objects in main to access these functions.

normal syntax for creating objects will be:
class_name object_name;
books s1;
if i write a statement

i can access that function but imagine that i want to create n number of objects to access those functions then how can i do it??

i tried

int n;
int i;
books s[i];

but the error is that i can use only constant expression for size of array. i can give that but i'm also using a constructor to update stock position,

so if i create objects as s[100], stock_pos value becomes 100 at the time of execution so it will display stockposition=100 even when i enter details of 1st book and also for all books. can someone help me?

i hope that i'm clear!!
You can use vector, create the object when ever you need and push it inside the vector.

You can use it as a normal array also.

Hope it helps.
well never used them before so can u show me how??
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