visual studio to code::blocks

Could someone please translate the instructions below (which are for Visual Studio) into Code::blocks?? i tried to figure it out myself but these 2 IDE are quite different....

1- configuration properties -> build events -> post-build events -> command line
add: "C:\...\*.dll"

2- configuration properties -> linker -> general -> additional library directory
add: "C:\...\lib"

3- configuration properties -> linker -> input -> additional dependencies
add: something.lib

4- config properties -> c\c++ -> general -> additional include directories
add: "C:\...\include"

5- config prop -> general -> character set
set to: Not set

Thanks !!!!

closed account (GbX36Up4)
Honestly I only use libraries with dev-cpp, or wxdev-cpp. I find Code::Blocks easy to use but the library stuff for it is too hard for me, and I can't even start a project right in Visual Studio. With wxdev-cpp you can just download the library straight from the IDE options. Unless of course they don't have it. From what I see above though it doesn't look like you are trying to give code::blocks the library path but something else?
i don't know much about libraries 9this is my first time using them), but i downloaded an API, i made it work in visual studio following above steps. Now i want to make it work in codeblocks (just for learning purposes)
it seems to me that i need to include .dll and .lib files, and some paths, in order for my projects to work.
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