c++ How to read from a file placed on my desktop

Hi guys i want some help...

I've a file named "assad.txt" on my desktop. I want to read it through C++ files. Can anybody tell me the syntax how can i open this file in Visual C++ 6.0??

what i am doing is...

fstream file; // object i made

file.open("assad.txt", ios::in); // Open in read mode

file.read((char *)&rec, sizeof(rec)); // file reading syntax

what makes me confuse is what should i write instead of &rec and sizeof(rec)??

pls help me out..... !!!!!!!


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Perhaps you can start by reading this site's tutorial on files:
It will show you the easiest way to read lines of text from a simple text file.

In your code above, the line you ask about reads sizeof(rec) characters into the buffer rec. It's a bit difficult to give details without seeing the definition of rec, though.
let me upload my code, u'll easily understand and guide me!!
#include <iostream.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <fstream.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void main()
fstream file;


file.read((char *)&file, sizeof(file));


i replaced (rec) with 'file"... duno its right or wrong... guide me pls wt to do???
Firstly, you should check if the file was opened successfully, using file.is_open(), which returns true if it is opened and false if not (e.g. if the file wasn't found).

Anyway, to the point. From this site's documentation:
istream& read ( char* s, streamsize n );

Pointer to an allocated block of memory where the content read will be stored.

Integer value of type streamsize representing the size in characters of the block of data to be read.

So it reads n characters from the file into the buffer s. You must therefore create a buffer to read into, for example a character array.

What are you trying to read from the file, and how is it arranged? There might be easier ways than using fstream::read.
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