c++ complier

how to i download c++ best compiler and can i write a c++ programs in c compiler ???
Depends on your definition of best. This would be an opinion at best.
You can't write programs "in a compiler". Compilers simply take the code text and, as the name says, compile it to an executable.
What operating system are you using?
Code::Blocks is an IDE with a good compiler (MinGW). You can also use other compilers with it.
Use a GNU compiler which supports the 'Standard (C++, C)'.
No, I do not think you can write a C++ program using a 'C' compiler ('C' does not have classes and many other 'C++' features.).
For your information, not all C++ compilers are able to compile 'C' programs effectively. One reason for this is because of 'C++'s' strict type-checking.

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in the begininng you can try dev-c++
Please, please, do not try Dev-C++. Please don't.

U can use visual studio express edition for c++ its free u can get it from microsoft site

or try http://www.freebyte.com/programming/cpp/#cppcompilers
If you use visual studio's 'extra' libraries you could make your program unportable (i.e It will work only on Windows and you will have to rewrite some code to make it work on Linux or Mac). But it is a very good IDE (has automatic code completion).

I had heard that MS Visual Studio does not use Standard C++, please check, not sure.

Dev-C++ is not a good IDE. Try Eclipse or NetBeans.
I use Code::Blocks with MinGW compiler.
Yep I really hate dev but it think it's most easiest in the beginning. Just like this blue screen from Pascal which I hate too.

I don't think Visual it good option. It's complex and dams is right, you actually write in C++ CLI.
So maybe Qt? You can write console apps in Qt.
Yep I really hate dev but it think it's most easiest in the beginning. Just like this blue screen from Pascal which I hate too.

Did you read the thread that Moschops linked to? And if you hate it why would you recommend it to someone else?

if your on a mac use Xcode.
Yes, I use Xcode on the Mac because Code::Blocks has bug's in it for the Mac version.
Xcode is much more fun than Code::Blocks actually, too bad you don't get it for Windows.
i liked codeblocks for the short time i used it. it was more strict then my visual studio compiler. however even the most basic programs had dependencies on other files. it was very annoying to just test a quick release program. you end up missing like 6 run time files. you can fix this with compiler options but ts annoying to have to do it every time.
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
I still use a mix of MinGW/MSys and CodeLite. I use MinGW/MSys for makefiles and CodeLite for project management and ease of use.
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microsoft VC++ with Visual Assist X -by Whole Tomato Software is very user friendly but it needs more ram for good performance
If you're on Windows, then I think Microsoft Visual C++ is a good choice - it has a good debugger and good code prediction and so forth. However, Microsoft's compiler has lamentable support the the upcoming C++0x standard compared to GCC. Thus, you might want to consider Code::Blocks as well.

acorn wrote:
more strict then my visual studio compiler.

As in it gave you more warnings and errors? You should be able to customise the verbosity of both compilers.
acorn wrote:
you can fix this with compiler options but ts annoying to have to do it every time.

Most compiler settings in Code::Blocks can be configured globally as well as on a per project basic (just go to Settings -> Compiler and Debugger).

EDIT: And I'm a pretty good C++ complier. I usually take on the programming practices I see endorsed by others.

Sorry for trolling
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