Files .a y .o in a "hello world"

Good morning or good evening, I'm tryn to learn C++ with Eclipse then I create a project in C++ static library but when I build> release I get two files test.a test.o And I want to get an exe (windows), I use static library because I want no dependencies, does anyone could give me a hand? , thanks.
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
No, you're project is generating a static library, not using one. By default, MinGW statically links to the standard library, while VC++ doesn't (both can be changed). The ".a" extension resembles a library that follows the symbol system that GNU GCC uses (although, ".a" isn't directly related to a "static" library, just a library in general). The .o file is an object file is a translation unit compiled into a binary (although, I'm unsure of how it's organized).

I don't use Eclipse, I use CodeLite (a more recent alternative). However, I do know there should be a setting somewhere that changes the result of your project. Tell it to produce an executable, not a static library.
I speak Spanish so sometimes some things confuse me, really thanks!
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