.mid handling in C/C++


I'd like to handle .mid files in my C/C++ program.
In particular I should be able to extract one track from the .mid file and elaborate it (change its parameters, play it, read its notes (without playing), etc..).

Is there any library which I can include to easily get things done? I'm working into the QtCreator environment on a win32 system, but it should be a cross-platform library.

Thanks in previous
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I'm also working in Qt it's relly awesome Enviroment.
First of all you can find help in official Qt forum (http://developer.qt.nokia.com/)
Secondly I know two audio libriaries.
Phonon - I actually made mp3 player. It's easy to use but it's only support mp3.
irrKlang - I didn't use it but it's more powerful, I'm sure you can use there *.mp3, *.wav, *.ogg even *.flac! I don't know if it support *.mid but you can buy irrKlang Pro it can support more formats.
Official site is http://www.ambiera.com check it out.

But it's mainly for playback. You may be able to get something out of it, though. Other than this, I don't know of any library that performs any complex operations on MIDI.
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