I'm trying to install the Boost libraries in Mac OS X (exactly what version is classified according to Apple, but as far as I can tell, it behaves the same as Snow Leopard, at least for these purposes) with "sudo ./bootstrap.sh" . I get this error:
-n Building Boost.Jam with toolset darwin...
Failed to build Boost.Jam
Consult 'bootstrap.log' for more details |
bootstrap.log has a whole bunch of error messages, probably all stemming from the fact that it can't find a bunch of required files. I've tried creating a simple app in Xcode that includes some of these files; it compiles fine.
Another thing is, I couldn't compile the example from section 4 of the Getting Started on Unix Variants guide (
http://bit.ly/Boost-GSUV ) with the commands given, but (after creating a symlink in the OS X SDK include folder to the include/boost folder) in Xcode the same code compiles and runs fine (I tested it as per section 4, using the actual path instead of ./example) .
I found several copies of a couple of the not-found files using Spotlight, so maybe this could be solved with a symlink? If so, where is cc looking for all these files? And why aren't copies of them there in the first place?
bootstrap.log is too long to include here, so I made it available at
http://cl.ly/7ILl .