I want to create and use my own libraries using Borland CPP Builder 5.
I prefer to allways make stand alone exes, so do not want runtime libraries/DLLs.
I ran "bcc32 -c mycode.cpp" to create mycode.obj, then ran "tlib mylib +mycode"
to create mylib.lib.
Then (???) I must also create a .h file to declare the functions in the library, right ?
And to then use the libray in a program I have to include the .h file, and add to the
Library path in Project Options - Directories/Conditionals - Directories ???
After I add to tht Library path - I can go back and look - and it's back to the original.
I wonder why this is necesssary. I do not add other libraries to my projects - yet my other projects use all sorts of code from libraries.
I create projects with some sort of default configuration, and use plenty of pre-existing libraries.
If I am creating a library, why can't I have that library treated like any other library, and just use its functions, provided the path to the library and the header file is set somewhere ?