Coding problem. help plz..

Hey guys,

I have coded a program which works as a spell checker. Reads a file and checks a database if the words spelling exists if not prints it.

I have run into some problems when trying to add some restrictions.

1.If any extracted word is a number, either an integer or real, it will be ignored.
2.If the . character has a space, tab, newline or digit on the left and a digit on the right then it is treated as a decimal point and thus part of a number. Otherwise it is treated as a full stop and a word separator.

Can someone suggest some method to use in order to be able to bypass these problems ?

Thanks for your help in advance.
Like if there is a word,

"bee" i want to know a method to ignore the " " and extract the word bee only.. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.
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