I need a small program in C + + that sends and receives frames from an Ethernet interface (using WinPcap or other). Please if anyone has a source code that can help me to save time and make better progress because I am a beginner in C + + and I really need this part of programming to accomplish other work.
Otherwise try the meantime, i started coding using Visual C + + 2010. But I still have a little problem because in the transport layer I need to build an UDP packet so I have to concatenate the UDP header with the message that I want to send.
I thought about the function strcat (string1, string2) but it was not the solution because my character variables are unsigned and this function can only concatenate strings signed. So I thought to put them in a structure as follows
struct packetUDP
unsigned short UDPportSrc;
unsigned short UDPportDest;
unsigned short UDPlength;
unsigned short UDPchecksum;
unsigned char message [500];
Is this the right solution please? Otherwise how I am doing. Because I also thought of the function