uhmmm..what i mean is...hmmm..just a simple program that somehow acts as if it's a human..something that a normal person could talk to...like that of cleverbot..do you know that site? cleverbot.com?..I was just wondering how i could make a c++ program that goes like that of cleverbot..hahaha....crazy idea..i know...sorry to bother your time :) i'm new
Don't worry about it ^^ sounds like a fun project! It depends on exactly what you want it to do, pretty much anything you can think of is possible!!
For this particular project, if you'd like to when you gain a little experience I can give you some source code to a chatting protocol you can use and a simple GUI to use for your bot programming. If you don't want to use a server then you can make a trivial console program!
How much experience do you have? How long have you been programming? What have you learned?
thank you very much!!!...actually..I'm taking computer science as my college program...I'm a freshman student...i'm just starting to learn the basic structures...looping,selection,sequential... :)
Yea, you should learn a bit more before taking this on :O. But kudos to you for being interested in some of the more advanced topics. Personally I'm fascinated by AI and it's part of what drove me to/keeps me in computer science. :)
Haha yea, and a lot of people here are. Just promise us you won't turn out like the people who always show up, give an assignment description, and say "write this plz!" They are the ones that are going to change majors at best, or flunk out at worst, about halfway through their education.
P.S. one of my first (and failed) projects was trying to make a chatterbot that recognized sarcasm in text. The idea was it would keep the context/mood of the conversation in mind and when it sees something juxtaposing this it would say "are you serious?"
Also, if you want I can try and find the tutorials I used to learn chatterbot programming. Which incidentally i don't think classifies as a full AI...don't know that for sure though :O
I won't I promise!...I know I would eventually be needing a help from you guys but not to the extent of asking for the answer..haha..I won't learn that way.. :D
WOWWW!!! a chatterbot?!!!..recognize sarcasm..hmmmm..amaaazziiing!! :O !!!
YES!! yes please!! woww..thank you! thank you very much!! :O :D
actually..i'm trying to make one right now...then this AI bot thing just popped into my head and all of my concentrations was diverted to it :D...this tic tac toe game really is confusing @_@...haha...
nahhhh minimax is simple enough and does the work for you. You probably won't even need a heuristic function for tic-tac-toe I think it'd be small enough to just calculate the whole tree.
int Minimax()
if ( GameHasBeenWon() )
if ( player1sTurn )
return infinity;
elsereturn -infinity;
if ( GameDrawn() )
return 0;
int bestScore = -infinity;
for ( int i=0; i<children.size(); i++ )
int score = children.at(i)->Minimax();
if ( score > bestScore )
bestScore = score;
return bestScore;
that's given that you store your children in a vector, and that the CreateNextRowOfTree() function adds all the possible next moves to it. It would need adapting to your specific program of course, but thats the jist of minimax