Where is a good template/metatemplate/advanced C++ exercises bank?

I'm trying to expand my knowledge of C++ to truly understand the "++" aspect of C++. I was hoping that someone could point me to a series of homework questions or online challenge questions (similar to Euler) that require you to use C++ design concepts, such as template and template metaprogramming.

If anyone knows anything like that, I'd really appreciate the reference.
The exercises from C++ Template Metaprogramming: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques from Boost and Beyond are available here:

I recommend that book to anyone interested in TMP, but an introductory book on templates would be in order first.

Thinking in C++ is available online and has exercises at the end of each chapter. Here are the ones for the chapter on templates: http://www.linuxtopia.org/online_books/programming_books/thinking_in_c++/Chapter16_020.html
Thanks - a colleague at work actually recommended that book, as well as modern C++ design. I think I'm going to pick up both and lose myself in them for about a month. I'll check out the second link.

I really wish there was a way I could get a copy of my old programming assignments from college again...
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