fatal error: clapack.h

Feb 15, 2011 at 2:45pm
Hello everybody.
Some times ago, I wrote an own program on a Linux System without any problems. Now I need to rerun this program computer.
Therefore I installed all necessary software (compiler, Libraries...) and update the paths in the makefile.
But it seems that I forgot something concerning the clapack.h because during compilation my compiler told me that clapack.h could not be found:

"fatal error: clapack.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden"

I have already tried to install the clapack package but it seems to be done without success.

Is there any special way to install it, or any special location (folders) the clapack.h data has to be located in???

I would be very glad for any advice you may give me, because I tried everything I could to make my program run.
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