Hello im a relative C++ newb. Taken a few classes but now im woring on my first project for myself.
Im trying to get a visual C++ program to read incoming RFID tags from an arduino. then compair it to stored tags that are valid. I just dont know how to get a program with a GUI to constantly check for tags.
All of my programming experience has been "click button, do action". I have made a simple visual program that sends a serial "1" or "0" to the arduino to controll a LED depending on what button is clicked. The arduino then sends back the status of the led and prints it to a label. based on this tutorial code moved around a bit http://webhole.net/2010/05/01/arduino-visual-c-plus-plus-tutorial/# .
Now I have the serial communication down, but since I don't know when a tag is going to be scanned how can I get the program to constantly search for one with out needing to click a button?