simple poker card game assignment.

Desired output:

Poker Game Options :
1 – Shuffle and hand
2 – Exit
3 – Additional functions
Please enter an option : 1
5  K A K 5
You have two pairs : [5, K]
Press any key to go back to main menu....

assignment outline:
The program is to simulate a simple version of a poker game. The team is required to create a
class for the Card with at least the following attributes:
- Suit. That represents one of these four: Spades, Hearts, Diamonds and Clubs.
- Rank. Thirteen values running from two to ten, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace.
The team must design the class Deck. This class must contains 52 cards; each unique by the
suit and rank values. The class Deck should have a function call Shuffle, to initialize the
cards in a random order into an array, or perhaps to allow the user to pick random cards from
the array of 52 cards.
Finally, a class Player should also be design, this class is to receive five cards from the deck,
and this could be done with a function SetCard in the class player and a function
HandOneCard from the Deck class. The class player should have a function CheckHand
that display in the screen if there is any card with the same number grouped in pairs, trips or

can anyone help write a programme for me i am really stucked in this thank you.
Post your code.
can any pro C++ programmer add me MSN i got so much question to ask. Thanks a lot.
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