I need to make calculation with that kind of matrix, reporting the header in a new file, and considering ncols and nrows automatically as maxi and maxj, and using celssize and NODATA_value as constant. Than make calculation on the matrix (example calue ij * cellsize) and copy the result under the header of the new file. I can use the matrix alone, but I havent idea on how working with the header (note the problem of the variable number of tabs...).
Someone can help me?
I just try to follow indication, but I have already some problem...
I can work on the header of the matrix file, but I have many problems with the matrix. I try to do 2 codes using indication find in the forum. I need to copy the header of the matrix in the result .txt file, and after that read each i-j double varaible, and if it isn't noData add to it 10 (it is a try), and than copy on the right place in the same result.txt file, under the header.
First one will be the quicly one: