popen func

hi. when i using _popen func in Form Application (Program) it always returns NULL. but when i use it itn console application (program) it works. why my Form App doesnt work and what i need to do
It may be that I'm a dummy, but I have no idea what a 'Form Application (Program)' is. Can you please clarify?

Also, do you mean "_popen" or "popen"?

"popen" is a standardized function, but as far as I known, "_popen" is not. Tell us anything you know about "_popen".
'Form Application' usually means some sort of GUI with a button or an area to enter information in. Like kspangsege said any extra information would be helpful.
form application it synonym to gui or window application: it has forms, buttons, fields with text and etc. i found why my program doesnt work, here is http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/96ayss4b%28v=vs.80%29.aspx
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