Eclipse vs MS Visual Studio - which do you use and why?

I'd be interested to hear your views on which IDE is best for C++ development - Eclipse or MS Visual Studio. What are the positives of each and what are the negatives?

Many thanks

MS Visual studio was apparently made by microsoft but what isn't apparent is that they have a different version of c++ than most most of the time so you may get some screwy compiler errors that you wouldn't with other compilers.. I haven't used Eclipse though so I will leave that topic for someone that does know it. I like using the compiler on my computer. Vi all my programs and they work perfectly. Hope this helped
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I don't use either.

Other than the impressive debugger, as an IDE, Visual Studio is fairly sub par. The code completion sucks, the compiler generates slower code than MinGW (unless using the Windows API), and the multitude of files required just to manage a single project is not only insane it's a nightmare for source control.

Eclipse isn't much better, but the code completion is much better and the text editor is one of the best as far as IDE's go. I hate how everything needs to be in a workspace, and everything needs to have it's own 'perspective'.

If I was only doing C++ development, I would use Code::Blocks, I have used it in the past and it is light, feature-rich, and easy to use. I use Netbeans on a daily basis though, it's code completion blows any other IDE out of the water, the text editor is very very good, and doesn't have the silly idiosyncracies of the Eclipse UI. The interface is much saner and it's much easier to customize options to your liking. The fact that I can seamlessly use it for C++, Java, Ruby, Python, and PHP is just icing on the cake.

I've tried other IDEs like wx-Devc++ and CodeLite but neither approach the polish or ease of use of Netbeans (or even Code::Blocks).
Code::Blocks is best and cross-platform IDE.
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