Program creation - chocolate sales

Hi, I am a student studying programming and design. I have been given an assignment and I just dont know where to start, if anyone can help me in the right direction it would be very helpful. Thanks.

Problem Definition-

Mr Smith works for a local supermarket and has been given a task to collect
the information about the number of chocolate bars the supermarket sells
each day. His manager has asked him to calculate the average number of
chocolates sold per week and for any specified day of the week. You need to
help Mr Smith by producing a computer program which will do the following:
• Collect the quantity of sold chocolate for each day and put these values
into a two-dimensional array choc[i][j], where i identifies the day
of the week and j identifies the week number, starting from week 0.
• Calculate the average quantity of sold chocolates per day and per
• Sort the information in the array by descending value – the manager
wants to find out what is the distribution of sold chocolates per day and
per week
• For any new input, the program should return information about the
position in the descending order of that value. For example, if the
sorted values for Mondays for five weeks are:
1230 1120 776 610 456
and a new input of 1200 is produced, the program should inform the
user that the value is second in order for Mondays.

The program should give the following options to the user:

B asic Options:
Option 1: Enter new values
Option 2: Calculate and print averages per day and per week
Option 3: Print the largest number of sold chocolates per day and per

Option 4: Sort the values in descending order per day and per week
Option 5: Give the position of the newly added value in the sorted order
per day

Advanced options:
Option 6: For any input value, the program should identify the days and
the weeks when the number of sold chocolates is bigger that the
input value
Option 7: Assume the first day for which there is a value is 3 November
2010. For any input date, give either the volume of sold
chocolates, or return an error message if there is no value
for that date.
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