I have an array of numbers and i have to find lowest and highest and drop them. When i display the numbers on my output screen it has to display HIGH for highest and LOW for lowest instead of the actual numbers. this is an int array so clearly i cant store a string there.Help would be appreciated.
Assuming that you know how to iterate through the list, and find the highest and lowest, store the value of the highest and lowest in separate variables.
Then when printing the list just check each number for whether it is equal to the value of highest or lowest and output whatever is appropriate.
Hmm that's far too much like doing your homework entirely for you. I'll explain it though without any code.
In a for loop which goes through the list of scores, IF the current number is equal to the your variable Low, output the word "lowest", IF it is equal to your variable High, output the word "highest", OTHERWISE output the number itself. Do this for each score in the array.
If you don't understand how to compare the current number to your highest or lowest variables or how to print a value to the command line etc check out this site's tutorials